Trio Clinical Trials, Houston TX
Trio Clinical trials is an independent site.
We neither have network nor we are part of any network
All clinical trials are overseen by a highly skilled and licensed doctor. Clinical trials are considered short term (6 months-4 years long). All trials are approved by the FDA and Texas Institutional Review Boards (IRBs). If you are accepted into a study, you could be provided a new and promising medication that is not yet available to the public
Continually optimizing our processes to deliver the right mix of agility and knowledge to our clients.
We want to ensure great research, so it can improve the lives of people by providing world class technology solutions.
Our approach is firmly grounded in comprehensive project management principles and well-defined processes.
Our Capabilities
Our streamlined and organized processes allow us to perform rapid enrollment and fast startup while maintaining a high level of quality source data. Dedicated research facility with 5 exam rooms, a dedicated CLIA certified lab, monitoring quarters, FDA secured IP storage and accommodations for 24 hour and overnight visits.